Pass the Juice was founded after recognizing the absence of cold-pressed juices, smoothies, and cleansing drinks in Gulfport, Mississippi. Our products are not only a healthy alternative to unhealthy food choices, but are also great tasting. It’s our commitment to create healthy blends the entire family can enjoy. Combined with personalized lighting, music, and spacing, Pass the Juice is the comfort of a dining room away from home. We promise to include only key ingredients excluding added sugars, artificial colors, preservatives, and a number of other harmful ingredients. Our pure unadulterated juices nutritionally support any health and fitness goal.
Cold-pressed juicing is a unique method of extraction. We obtain natural juices of various fruits and vegetables without the use of harmful additives. No exposure to oxygen or heat means no nutrition is lost during the process. Cold-pressed juices are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This process provides the purest, most nutrient-packed juice you can drink. One cup of cold-pressed juice can provide a world of good for your mind, body and soul. Widely consumed by those seeking wellness, cold-pressed juicing has now become popular amongst all. If your finding it hard to incorporate your daily dose of fruits and vegetables, stop by Pass the Juice and make up for it in minutes.
We are adamant about providing significant health benefits to all our products. In recent years, we have seen an increase in both processed foods and health issues such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. These foods turn on a number of genes that promote abnormal inflammation. Gut bacteria gets destroyed and then release inflammatory chemicals known as toxins. The inflammation produced by these toxins can bring about chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables naturally have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can decrease the amount of inflammation and toxins in the body. Our signature blends are specially crafted to not only taste amazing but be amazingly good for you. We proudly offer this twin benefit of cold-pressed juicing to our customers promoting wellness inside and out.
Cleansing drinks are another product we offer for those embarking on a stricter path to ridding the body of toxins. Toxins interfere with your normal daily function, causing poor concentration memory loss, headaches, vertigo, cravings, mood swings, and some times erratic behavior. When you detoxify your body, you remove impurities from the blood stream. This assists the natural function of the intestines, skin, kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, and lymphatic system. See us at Pass the Juice regularly and take advantage of our cleansing and detoxifying drinks.
As you may have guessed, everyone here at Pass the Juice is a firm believer in the encouragement of wellness and getting our bodies back to their normal function with the support of natural products. After careful research, we offer you a menu of purifying products with that intended purpose in mind. Our mission is to increase healthier and tastier alternatives to the people and visitors of the great state of Mississippi. We are dedicated to researching produce and products that provide realistic benefits to your body, without sacrificing taste. For now, we hope you’ll enjoy the incredible line of drinks, juices, and smoothies we have developed with your health and enjoyment in mind.